Elected Members

The Shire of Jerramungup has seven elected members, all working hard to serve their community. Council elections are held every two years, with half of the Council retiring at each election.

President Iffla


Cr Iffla is married with two daughters. She currently farms with her husband John and is also the proud owner of a thriving cafe and function venue in Bremer Bay . Cr Iffla is actively involved in sporting clubs, P&C and community groups in Bremer Bay and Boxwood Hill.

Cr Iffla hopes to offer constructive views towards the process of guiding the development of the Shire to create a viable, sustainable and rewarding place for those who live and work in the area.

Telephone: 08 9837 4298
Email: joanne.iffla@jerramungup.wa.gov.au

Councillor Leenhouwers

Cr Neil Foreman (Term expires 2025)

Cr Foreman moved to Jerramungup as a 23yo shearer from Narrogin in December 1988. The vibrant community which was, and still is, steeped in volunteering and sporting pursuits was the main persuader to stay. He then took on a role with the local fuel supplier and delivered fuel throughout the district. In 2003 he started working for Wray Agencies as a stock agent for Wesfarmers (now known as Nutrien Ag). This grounding led to him and his partner purchasing the business in 2007 and so began Foreman Rural which they still remain owners of.

In March this year they also purchased Hassell District Traders in which they have set up a hardware store and have obtained the licence for the Post Office.

Having 2 young children and multiple businesses in the Shire Cr Foreman has a strong commitment to maintaining a strong, vibrant, local rural community where families, young people, small businesses and family enterprises can prosper. He is actively involved in local sporting clubs and community groups within Jerramungup.

Telephone: 08 9835 1056
Email: neil.foreman@jerramungup.wa.gov.au

Cr Paul Barrett

Cr Barrett is a second generation farmer with his wife and three children in Jerramungup and is also a property owner in Bremer Bay. As a lifetime resident of Jerramungup he is passionate about supporting the Shire and continuing to make it a progressive place for people to live, work and raise their families. 

Cr Barrett is actively involved in the community and is currently part of the Jerramungup Football Club, Lions Club of Jerramungup and FESA.

He is keen to be a part of the Shires inclusive programmes with a priority on the upgrade of South Coast Highway and improved health care for the whole shire. 

Telephone: 0428 362 014
Email: paul.barrett@jerramungup.wa.gov.au

Cr Raegan Zacher

Cr Zacher is a resident and homeowner in the Shire of Jerramungup. She is also a proud business owner of a boutique in Bremer Bay and a successful marketing and design business for the past 10 years. She is extremely passionate about small business and the opportunities it provides local people to work within the community and upskill for future growth.  

Cr Zacher has a pragmatic approach to growth to ensure the unique diversity of our region is retained whilst ensuring we understand and address the challenges our community, businesses and visitors to the region are facing. She is an advocate for strengthening the relationship and communication between the Shire and residents and for improved community engagement and participation. 

Telephone: 0429 947 731
Email: raegan.zacher@jerramungup.wa.gov.au

Cr Nathan Brown

Cr Brown is a local farmer in the Shire of Jerramungup and also a property owner in Bremer Bay. Having grown up in the Shire he has enjoyed everything the local area has to offer both professionally and socially and is excited to serve the community by being on Council to ensure that future generations have the same opportunities. 

Cr Brown has been involved in various community organisations for many years, including as Chairman of the FBG Committee, Jerramungup Football Club and other groups such as Dancing in the Dirt and FESA. Through these roles he has engaged with community, businesses and local government providing an insight into what is involved as a member of council. 

Telephone: 0427 351 057
Email: nathan.brown@jerramungup.wa.gov.au

Cr Gavin Mair

Cr Mair grew up in Albany and has lived in Point Henry, Bremer Bay with his wife since 2010.

His first job was with Main Roads Albany before completing a 3 year Technical Diploma in Civil Engineering. He worked in engineering drafting at Main Roads, City of Perth and Westrail before furthering his studies, graduating in Naval Architecture. He started a his own business in this field which went on to trade internationally until he retired. 

Cr Mair is passionate about sport, community, environment, sustainable fishing, camping and 4WDing. He says 'Bremer Bay is a wonderful, vibrant part of our amazing planet with so much to offer the community'. 

Telephone: 0419 959 201
Email: gavin.mair@jerramungup.wa.gov.au