Develop Your Property

If you are thinking of developing your property, figuring out the approvals process can be confusing. To help you better understand what series of actions you may need to take in order to gain the right approvals, we have created this step by step guide. Simply click through the steps to learn about what you may need to consider before you start a project.

To ensure you are on the right track, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with the Shire’s Development Team early in the process. We are available via email or phone for any development related questions you may have and happy to provide feedback and advice where required.

Step 1: Where do I start?

What can I do in my area?

The Shire has mapped different areas or zones which have restrictions and approval processes depending on state and local government legislation, which takes into account the needs of the environment.
Currently, Local Planning Scheme No. 2 controls the development and use of land across the Shire of Jerramungup.
Each zone has rules around:

  • What you can build
  • How high you can build
  • What sort of activities you can use the land or building for, such as residential housing, business, industrial use etc.

More information on this can be found on the “Land use planning” page or by contacting the development team.

Step 2: Getting the right approval

Planning approvals and building permits are two separate development application processes that may be required before a development can commence.

In some cases, both planning approval and building permits will be necessary. If both are required, planning approval is needed before a building permit can be issued.

Building permits are needed for the construction or installation any new houses (incl. transportable dwellings), sheds, carports and patios, some retaining walls and freestanding walls, some rainwater tanks, swimming pools and spas, sea containers as well as alterations and/or addition to existing buildings and structures. Installation of some signage might also require building permits.

Developments in Caravan Parks (including park homes, annexes, garden sheds, patios, and tropical roofs) also require Shire approvals.

Please get in touch with the development team early in the process to find out exactly which approvals your development will require.

Step 3: Getting assistance

Getting assistance from the right people is an important part of any project and we strongly recommend that you contact our experienced development team before submitting your application. We can help save you time and sometimes even money by enabling you to submit a successful application.

If you are looking for advice outside the Shire’s Development Team, you may find our “Trades Info” sheet helpful. It contains contact details for some development related businesses and trades that commonly work in the Shire of Jerramungup area. Please be aware that this list is constantly being updated but is not complete and you can engage other tradespeople not included on the list if you wish.

Step 4: Understanding what applications to submit

There are two types of building permit applications:

  • Certified applications (for any commercial development – class 2-9 buildings)
  • Uncertified applications for class 1 (residential dwellings) and class 10 (non-habitable buildings)

Certified or uncertified? And what is the difference?

For class 1 and class 10 buildings, this choice is up to you.

A certified building permit application (form BA1) means that the plans and specifications of a proposed building have been assessed by a registered private building surveyor prior to submitting your application to the Shire.

If the private building surveyor is satisfied that the proposed structure complies with all applicable building legislation and standards, they will issue a Certificate of Design Compliance (CDC) which you will need to include as part of your building permit application. This is the only way to apply for a building permit for a building/structure of commercial nature (class 2-9 buildings).

An uncertified building permit application (form BA2) means that the plans and specifications of a proposed building have not yet been assessed by a registered private building surveyor when you make an application for a building permit to the Shire.

In this case, the drawings and documents submitted with your permit application will be assessed by the Shire’s building surveyor. If the Shire’s building surveyor is satisfied that the proposed structure complies with all applicable building legislation and standards, they will issue a Certificate of Design Compliance (CDC) and consequently a building permit.

Building application assessment timeframes

In accordance with the Building Act 2011, the following assessment time-frames apply:

  • Certified building permit applications – 10 business days
  • Uncertified building permit applications – 25 business days.

Please note, the above time-frames may be affected by public holidays.

If the Shire’s initial assessment of a building permit application reveals that further information is required, a further information request will be sent to the nominated builder or applicant. The builder or applicant then has 21 calendar days to provide the requested information.

The Shire has the right to refuse an application if the required information is not provided within the designated 21-day time-frame. The Shire also has the right to retain the application fee.

Step 5: Completing your project

Notice of completion

For any residential dwellings and non-habitable structures (class 1 and 10), upon the completion of the work, the builder must provide a Notice of Completion (BA7) to the Shire within seven days of completion of work.

This establishes the end date of the permit for compliance and record keeping purposes. Until the notice is received, the person named as builder remains liable for the building or demolition complying with the Building Act 2011 until a Notice of Cessation (BA8) or a Notice of Completion (BA7) is issued.

If this work includes a swimming pool or pool safety barriers, an inspection certificate must accompany the notice. Please note, the requirement to provide this inspection certificate as part of the Notice of Completion is separate to the requirement for a local government to inspect existing pools in its district at least once every four years.

Inspection certificates

Where required inspection certificates are necessary for inspections and tests.
The builder must ensure that each inspection certificate that accompanies a Notice of Completion contains the following information:

  • The number of the building permit for the building work inspected or tested
  • A description of the purpose, extent and outcome of the inspection or test
  • The date and time the inspection or test was conducted
  • The name, contact details and qualifications of the person conducting the inspection or test
  • Any other document or evidence of the outcome of the inspection or test that the person conducting the inspection or test considers relevant.

It is up to the builder to be satisfied that the person doing the inspection has the relevant qualifications and experience.