Bushfire Mitigation
As part of the Jerramungup’s Bushfire Risk Management Plan (BRMP), the Shire has completed a bushfire risk assessment of all built assets within Shire. Fuel loads and proximity of Shire reserves to residential properties and critical infrastructure has been identified as having a significant impact on the bushfire risk rating of properties located in the area, these risk ratings require action by the Shire.

To achieve this, we undertake prescribed burning and mechanical treatments on Shire managed reserves. This work is funded though the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) Bushfire Risk Management Branch, and Local Governments with an approved Bushfire Risk Management Plan can apply for a Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) Grant of up to $500,000 annually.
Mechanical treatments are carried out by contractors, following our thorough planning process which includes obtaining relevant environmental permits and a consultation process with key stakeholders.
Related Document:
The Shire of Jerramungup Bushfire Risk Management Plan (BRMP) is currently being reviewed.
Prescribed Burns
Prescribed burns may also be referred to as a hazard reduction burn, planned burn, controlled burn, or burn off.
Prescribed burning is undertaken on Shire owned and managed land by the Shire’s Fire and Emergency Services unit along with assistance from DFES staff, local Volunteer Bushfire and Fire and Rescue Brigades.

Prescribed burns require a significant level of planning and preparation prior to the day of the burn. Predetermined weather conditions and other contributing factors strongly dictate if a burn will or will not go ahead. While we do make all efforts to provide residents with prior notification of a prescribed burn, this also means we may commence or cancel a burn with minimal notice.
Prior to ignition our burn will always be registered with DFES and displayed on the Emergency WA app and website.
If you see smoke or an unattended fire, are uncertain of the cause and cannot find any information on Emergency WA DIAL 000 and report the fire so that appropriate action can be taken.
2023-2024 Prescribed Burn Program
Prescribed burns are indicative plans only and are subject to change.
Burning on your (private) property
Burning on private property can only be done with the consent of the landowner. Before you light up always check the Fire Danger Rating (FDR) and make sure a Total Fire Ban (TFB) or Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban (HVMB) has not been declared. Check if it is currently a Restricted or Prohibited burning period (November – May) and obtain a Permit to Burn if required. Offences committed under the Bush Fires Act 1954 may result in the property owner receiving an infringement notice or further legal action being taken.
Burning responsibly is your responsibility.
If you would like help in carrying out a hazard reduction burn on your property, try contacting your Local Volunteer Fire Brigade to see if they have the capacity to assist. Not sure which is your local brigade? Make contact with your Area FCO, they can point you in the right direction.
More information and contact
You can find out more about planned burning on private and government land on the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) website.
If you have a question or would like advice about managing the fire risk on your property, please contact the Shire 9835 1022 or email admin@jerramungup.wa.gov.au